The Pacific Seabird Program is a multi-Regional program and the Data Manager will provide support National Wildlife Refuges and Refuge partners in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, and the Pacific Remote Islands. A number of possible duty stations for this position have been identified, including: Anchorage, AK; Homer, AK; Portland, OR; Newport, OR; Arcata, CA; Sacramento, CA; Honolulu, HI; and Hilo, HI. The position is open March 7-21 as a General Biologist GS-0401-12 / Geographer GS-0150-12. The announcements (one open to the general public and one open to merit promotion eligible Federal employees) are available on USAJobs until March 21, 2022:
· General public: General Biologist / Geographer DE · Merit promotion: General Biologist / Geographer MP The main duties of the Data Manager will include: · Maintain and modify Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) database modules (both geospatial and tabular) to ensure long-term archiving and retrieval of ecological datasets produced by past and forthcoming efforts. · Develop data management tools, protocols, and procedures to assist Regions and refuge field stations with organizing, managing, and analyzing biological and ecological datasets. · Assist biological staff in the design, development, and distribution of quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) standards and protocols. · Facilitate the planning, coordination, development, and integration of complex database models and information systems. · Provide expert advice, coordination, training, and technical assistance to NWRS offices, regional and program offices and individual refuge units regarding the integration and analysis of biotic and abiotic datasets. · Formulate, recommend, implement, and distribute I&M guidelines and protocols relating to the documentation, dissemination, archiving, and security of datasets collected through the NWRS I&M initiative. For more information, please contact Marc Romano ( [email protected] ), Pacific Seabird Program Coordinator, or Bridgette Flanders ( [email protected] ), USFWS Region 1 Refuge Biology Chief (and supervisor of the position). Comments are closed.
June 2024