The Scholarship Committee at the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society) wanted to remind you that the scholarship application window is open for the 2018 award year.
Awards will be presented at the ASPRS Annual Meeting, which will be held on Feburary 5-7, 2018 in conjunction with the International LiDAR Mapping Forum (ILMF). Scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $7,000 are available to current students studying imaging, GIS, remote sensing, photogrammetry, surveying, and related digital spatial sciences. Applications are due by October 18, 2017, and letters of recommendation can be submitted by October 21, 2017. Please go to to learn more about scholarships that are available. Thank you on behalf of ASPRS Scholarships and Awards. If you have any questions please feel free to email [email protected] and [email protected]. ASPRS is pleased to offer twelve awards totaling more than $50,000 in value. Available to both undergraduate and graduate student-members of ASPRS and others, these resources have been generated with the intention of advancing academic and professional goals within the fields of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and related disciplines.
The scholarship application window is now open and applications will be accepted until November 15, 2016 at midnight EST. For more information: ![]() STUDENTS AND FACULTY MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE THE DEADLINE EXTENSION FOR ALL ASPRS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS NOW: SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2016 A complete description of the awards offered and an application (Google Forms) can be obtained at the ASPRS web site at For more information on the ASPRS Awards and Scholarships Program, contact [email protected] The ASPRS Annual Conference will be held in FORT WORTH, TEXAS April 11-15, 2016 ![]() The Application Deadline for 2016 Awards is Friday, January 15, 2016 ASPRS has been pleased to offer twelve scholarship awards totaling more than $50,000 in value. Available to both undergraduate and graduate student-members of ASPRS and others, these resources have been generated with the intention of advancing academic and professional goals within the fields of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and related disciplines. ASPRS recognizes that students are the future of these rapidly evolving fields and encourages all who are qualified to take advantage of these unique opportunities. Awards have been available in the form of cash, travel grants, and data. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in an accredited college or university, and you must be a member of ASPRS for many, but not all, awards. All awards ask that you submit samples of your work and research goals as part of your application, and that you submit a report to ASPRS outlining your research accomplishments upon completion of your grant period. The Presentation of the Awards typically takes place during the Annual (Spring) Conference of ASPRS. For more information: There are at least a dozen different opportunities for scholarship, internships, and imagery! ![]() The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) is excited to announce the opening of our 2015 Scholarship Program. USGIF is dedicated to assisting promising students interested in geospatial sciences with scholarship awards to further the advancement of the geospatial intelligence tradecraft. With your help, we can make our 2015 Program the most successful yet. Please pass along this information to your contacts and/or students and download our 2015 Scholarship Program flyer.
Students studying in fields such as geography, political science, physics, computer science, engineering, biology, anthropology, sociology or any field in the natural and social sciences are encouraged to apply. Through the USGIF Scholarship Program, the Foundation strives to communicate to students the breadth and power of GEOINT in serving national, global and human security interests. The USGIF Scholarship Program endeavors to support students with innovative ideas for problem-solving within geospatial science and technology. Please share information about this scholarship program with your students. For more information on the USGIF Scholarship Program or to download applications, please visit: Deadline to apply: April 20, 2015 ![]() The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) is excited to announce the opening of our 2014 Scholarship Program. USGIF is dedicated to assisting promising students interested in geospatial sciences with scholarship awards to further the advancement of the geospatial intelligence tradecraft. Download the 2014 Scholarship Program flyer.
Last year the Foundation awarded $107,000 to 25 recipients and plans to award at least $100,000 for the 2014 program. High school recipients are awarded $2,000 per scholarship and all others are awarded $5,000 each. Since 2004, USGIF has awarded $584,000 in scholarship funding to promising students in the geospatial intelligence field. Students studying in fields such as geography, political science, physics, computer science, engineering, biology, anthropology, sociology or any field in the natural and social sciences are encouraged to apply. Through the USGIF Scholarship Program, the Foundation strives to communicate to students the breadth and power of GEOINT in serving national, global and human security interests. The USGIF Scholarship Program endeavors to support students with innovative ideas for problem-solving with Geospatial Science and Technology. Please share information about this scholarship program with your students. For more information on the USGIF Scholarship Program or to download applications, please visit: Deadline to apply: April 25, 2014 ![]() OpenStreetMap is a community mapping project that creates a constantly updated online map of the world, whose road data is freely available for anyone to use it as they wish. This year the annual State of the Map US Conference will be in Washington, DC April 12 & 13, 2014. It will be a great opportunity to learn about how people are using OpenStreetMap, why open map data matters, and what else is happening in the larger mapping space. It will also be a great way to meet people working and active in the geo sector. We're offering scholarships to students and other contributors to attend the conference, providing free admission and up to $500 to go toward travel and lodging. Details on how to apply for a scholarship can be found here. The deadline is coming up this Sunday, February 9 and the application is short and sweet. If you have any questions about the conference or the scholarships, just reach out to Lindsay Young, [email protected]. ![]() Graduate Student Research Assistantships Available for an NSF Funded Research Project on Fire in Africa We have 2 positions available for two years of funding for our Masters program in Geography at CSU, Long Beach. Spring Admission Deadline: October 31st Position 1. Remote Sensing: The ideal candidate will have experience with remote sensing/ image processing software such as ERDAS or ENVI or e-cognition software. The research will involve mapping savanna vegetation cover and fire scars. Position 2. GIS spatial analysis: The ideal candidate will have experience with environmental GIS applications using ESRI spatial analyst software. The research will involve mapping savanna vegetation and fire scar patterns and changes. For more information contact: Dr. Paul Laris Chair of Geography California State University , Long Beach [email protected] ![]() The 2013-14 Oregon Space Grant Consortium Scholarship Program is now OPEN! Application Deadline: May 17, 2013 The Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) is pleased to provide students attending our member colleges and universities opportunities to apply for scholarship awards that support their academic goals and recognize their achievements. Scholarships are open to new and continuing students in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and STEM education disciplines. The scholarship program supports the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) objectives of fostering and encouraging career goals in STEM and STEM education. Individuals from under-represented groups in the STEM fields are encouraged to apply. Several unique scholarship opportunities exist catering to different degree programs, career goals, and institution types. Details regarding each of these opportunities are found in the Scholarship Guide. Please read the Scholarship Guide carefully for eligibility requirements, application instructions, and links to the online application system. The OSGC Scholarship Guide is available for download on the OSGC website at Scholarships are awarded through a competitive process. Note: Students receiving awards in past competitions may apply and receive awards for subsequent competitions. Awards for the 2013-14 Academic Year will be made in the following categories: - OSGC Community College Scholarships Online application: - OSGC 4-Year Institution Scholarships Online application: - OSGC Undergraduate Research Scholarships Online application: Go to for more information and to download the Scholarship Guide. Questions regarding OSGC Scholarship opportunities, application procedures, or eligibility may be directed to OSGC staff by phone at 541.737.2414 or via email at [email protected]. Effective 2012, the Asian Geography Specialty Group (AGSG) instituted four student travel awards to facilitate and promote AAG Annual Conference attendance by students. For 2012-13, the AGSG has not received any student applications to avail of these funds, so please distribute this information widely…..
AGSG Student Travel Awards Awards of $50 each will be made to students meeting the eligibility criteria, which must include: --Presentation of paper or poster at the 2013 Annual Conference at Los Angeles, CA; the paper/poster must be on one of the Asian regions of Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, or Southwest Asia (one award per region). --Student membership of the AGSG, or a pledge to join membership (student membership is only $1) Applications should be electronic, but sent through Chair or Advisor confirming your student status. Also include confirmation of your presentation at the 2013 AAG Conference, as well as a simple budget outline showing any matching funds (personal/grants/departmental support). Submissions should be made by January 31, 2013 to the respective Area Directors: For Central Asia: Stanley Toops: [email protected] For East Asia: Xinyue Ye: [email protected] For South Asia: Sya Buryn-Kedzior: [email protected] For Southeast Asia: John Bowen: [email protected] For Southwest Asia: Hussein Amery: [email protected] |
June 2024