Assists in the maintenance of the cadastral mapping system and associated real property records for the purpose of assessments. General Statement Polk County, the Organization: Polk County takes pride in knowing that our employees are what makes the County a great place to work. We have a strong desire for each employee to feel respected; connected to the department they work for as well as other County departments and the community at large; and know that they are critical to County business. We understand that work may be necessary, but not what should define each individual. We all have diverse personalities and interests away from the job, and at Polk County we encourage our employees to be connected to something bigger than work. Benefits: Polk County offers generous employee benefits including, but not limited to:
Our Community: Polk County is located in the Willamette Valley just an hour from the Pacific Coast to the west and an hour from Portland to the north. The population is approximately 87,000 and the area spans about 744 square miles, with two thirds of the western part of the county being forest. National protected areas include the Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge and Siuslaw National Forest. The County is part of the agricultural richness the Willamette Valley has to offer. In recent decades, the valley has also become a major wine producer, with Polk County being one of the best in the area. The valley is often known as the “Oregon Wine Country.” Polk County has over 25 wineries alone. Polk County also houses the beautiful liberal arts college, Western Oregon University (WOU), and is only 30 miles from Oregon State University. WOU was an inaugural winner of the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) award. This award recognizes universities and colleges that have demonstrated the highest level of commitment and action towards fostering a campus community that celebrates all the many facets of diversity. WOU is one of the most diverse universities in Oregon and has a higher percentages of Latino students in the Oregon University system. Qualifications Please refer to the Class Specification for the full job description and minimum experience, education and training requirements for this position. Supplemental Information ** A cover letter is required. If you are a military veteran and want to apply for Veterans' Hiring Preference, you must attach the Veterans' Preference Form (available on our website) and your DD-214/215 and/or disability letter. ** ** DO NOT ATTACH ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS (transcripts, letters of recommendation, certificates, etc.) They will not be considered at the application stage. You may bring them to the interview if you are selected to interview. ** Comments are closed.
June 2024