Friends of Trees is searching for our next Green Space Program Manager to help achieve our mission of bringing people together to plant and care for trees in neighborhoods and urban natural areas across the Portland-Metro and Salem regions.
This individual is responsible for the management and delegation of our Green Space program–from program funding, to project partner development, to managing and mentoring Friends of Trees staff and volunteers–the Green Space Manager will cover a lot of ground. Ideal candidates will be personable, creative, and adaptable. A strong understanding of native plant restoration projects is also highly recommended. Friends of Trees is committed to building a culturally diverse and inclusive environment. We recognize that not everyone has equal access to the benefits of trees and healthy green spaces. Candidates of color are strongly encouraged to apply. Role and Responsibilities: Our Green Space program is a well-recognized program in the region and it takes some work to keep that up! Here are some key program responsibilities:
As a Manager at Friends of Trees, you’ll also be part of a stellar leadership team that:
To accomplish these things, we will be looking for someone who has the following skills and background (or something comparable): Technical Background:
Personnel and Soft Skills
Physical and Logistical Requirements:
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday during planting season (Oct-May); Monday – Friday rest of year (June-Sept). Fairly flexible within that framework, establishes schedule and makes changes known Office Location: 3117 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97212. Close to TriMet Bus #6, we have a secured bike area, and we provide transportation to work field sites. Stairs are required to access the office. While COVID regulations are in effect, this position will partially work remotely with weekly visits to the office (the office building follows COVID safety protocols and is minimally occupied). Travel to planting sites to lead outdoor, field-based events with volunteers will also be involved. Compensation: This will be a salaried position of $48,000 – $56,000 annual salary with full health care coverage and a competitive sick time, holiday and vacation policy To apply: Please send a resume and cover letter to j[email protected] with Green Space Program Manager in the subject line. Applications will be accepted through 5pm on Wednesday 12/30/20. Friend of Trees provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, national origin, age, disability or genetics. Comments are closed.
June 2024