Geography 265: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
CRN: 32367
Summer 2012
Cascade Campus, TEB 225
M W 1:30 - 5:20 p.m.
Office Hours: by appointment
Office: SC 206 (call 5528 to enter)
[email protected]
Required Course Materials
2| Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users, Cynthia Brewer
3| ESRI Help for ArcGIS 10 Desktop
4| ESRI Online GIS Dictionary
5| USB Flashdrive (Recommended 2GB minimum)
Course Description and Focus
This course will introduce you to concepts and the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a powerful tool that allows users to compile, analyze, and distribute geographic data electronically. We will focus on the use of the desktop GIS software package ArcGIS (version 10) from ESRI Corporation. ArcGIS requires both an understanding of the computer program and geography. Because of this, I will be reviewing some basic spatial concepts in class prior to diving into ArcGIS software, as well as more specific GIS concepts. These concepts include: scale, map projections, locational reference systems, the nature of geographic data, and basic mapmaking techniques.
This course is taught in a computer lab, and is largely lecture and lab-based. The lectures introduce or review GIS concepts, while the labs are designed to assist in learning techniques for conducting spatial analysis. In addition, all students will complete a final project as a way to apply what is learned throughout the course. The final project is structured to cater to your individual interests.
There will also be times when we discuss concepts and techniques as a group. All students are expected to come to class prepared to think, observe, and participate in both discussions and labs. Active participation enhances the learning process for all group members, and will be considered more favorably at grading time. I look forward to learning with all of you.
Course Format
GIS Software
Assignments and Grading
Labs – 75%. This includes labs and activities completed both in-class and at home. There are a total of six labs. In general, labs are due one week after they are assigned.
Final Project – 25%. The final project will integrate all aspects of GIS and mapping that you learn throughout the quarter. I will introduce the guidelines in the tenth week of class and you will be given class time to work on the project, but will also be expected to work on it outside of class. The guidelines are open-ended to allow you to pursue a topic of your choice.
Final grades will be based on the following scale: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), and F (below 60).
'How To' Submit an Assignment
2| Do not include any of the lab instructions in your document. Include only the question numbers and text, your answers, and any exported maps.
3| Submit a single document in PDF format. (If creating your document in MS Word, save as a PDF file.)
4| The subject line of your email should reflect the assignment name. For example: Lab1
Backing Up Your Work!
Course Outline
*Course schedule is subject to change and will be updated throughout the quarter.
------------------------------------------------------- July 2 July 9 / 11 July 16 / 18 Lecture. Map Design Basics _____________________________________ July 23 / 25 July 30 / August 1
Review. Project Proposals Lecture. Data Visualization _____________________________________ August 6 / 8 August 13 / 15
Final Projects _____________________________________ |
Assignments---------------------------------------------------------- Readings as Assigned Readings as Assigned Readings as Assigned
Readings as Assigned
Lab 6. Visualization of Geographic Data Lab 6. Data DUE: Lab 5 (August 1) ______________________________________ Continue Lab 6. DUE: Lab 6 (August 8) ______________________________________ DUE: Final Projects (August 15) ______________________________________ |
Additional Resources
ArcGIS Desktop Version 10 - Service Pack 3 download
* Although Service Pack 4 is currently available, there are known bugs and therefore not recommended.
Although attendance is not officially a part of your grade, it will be difficult to keep up if you are not regularly in class. If you need to miss class or leave class early, talk to me beforehand to make arrangements. If you have a personal problem that is inhibiting your performance in this class, please come talk to me as soon as possible so that we can discuss options to make your efforts in this class successful.
Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism is “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work (” This is unacceptable. Cheating is also unacceptable. If you have any questions about the college’s academic policy, see pages 9-11 of the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, online at http://www.pcc/edu/about/policy/student-rights/student-rights.pdf.
Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities wishing services and/or accommodations are required to register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Please contact the OSD office as soon as possible so that services can be arranged and provided in a timely manner. The OSD phone # is 503-614-7409.