The thrill is almost gone | Upper left cities: A cultural atlas of san franscico, seattle, and portland
Geospatial applications class project 2023
Puente de la gente
This map was a collaboration between my son's 3rd Grade class, my husband - Ben Friedle, and myself. The class was asked to think about all the places in Portland that have special meaning to them and we included all of those places on the map. While some places may only be special to one student in the class, other places were special to a majority of the students (i.e. Ainsworth ES and Oaks Park).
Over many class sessions, students learned about Technical drawing, perspective, the Tillikum crossing design, and the meaning of place.
Street emotion
This is an excerpt from Portlandness: A Cultural Atlas. It is a part of the Psychogeography chapter. This project started with a group of students in my Local Landscape class in 2013. Students walked around downtown Portland and recorded how they felt (their emotional state) at each intersection. The results were aggregated into this map that shows each individual record, as well as an aggregate one. For the full narrative & map, check out Portlandness.
portland community college bond results, 2017
This is one map in a series that was created for Portland Community College's Board of Directors. The purpose of this project was to better understand the results of the PCC Bond on the Nov 2017 ballot, asking voters to fund $185 million towards repairs, modernizing and renovating facilities, improving safety and replacing outdated technology and equipment. The ballot passed with 58% of voters in favor of the bond. The Board of Directors were interested in understanding these results at a more nuanced level and looking at the differences in individual voting precincts, cities, and other local geographies.
Portland community college statewide impact
While Portland Community College (PCC) is physically located in Portland, Oregon, students commute and take classes at the college from all over the state. PCC's Legislative team brought this map, along with other broken down into different geographies, to demonstrate the impact PCC has on the whole state - not just the Portland Metro area.