Geography 266: Geographic Information Systems Analysis
CRN: 26467
Spring 2011
Sylvania Campus, HT 301
Office Hours: By appointment
T TH 6:00 - 8:50 p.m.
[email protected]
Course Text: GIS Concepts and ArcGIS Methods, 4th Edition, David M. Theobald
Course Description and Focus
This course is the continuation of GEO 265 and will introduce you to concepts and the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). While GEO 265 focuses on basic data manipulation and representation, this class covers advanced database techniques, geocoding, and other spatial analysis. We will continue to focus on the use of the desktop GIS software package ArcGIS 10 from ESRI Corporation.
This class is designed to cater to the individual interests of the students. The majority of work will be done independently and at your own pace. Although the class is largely lab-based, there will be times when we discuss concepts and techniques as a group. I expect students to come to class prepared to think, observe and participate. The labs are designed to assist in learning the techniques for conducting spatial analysis. The independent projects are a way for each student to pursue skills and topics that can be useful to you in the future.
Course Format
GIS Software
Additionally, an education license of the software will be given to all students enrolled in the course for use outside of class on your personal computers.
Assignments and Grading
Labs – 50%. This includes labs completed both in-class and at home.
Midterm - 25%. The midterm will consist of short answers, essay questions, and a computer-based application. The exam will be completed in-class and at home.
Final Project – 25%. The final project will be an independent study. I will provide the details of the project further into the quarter.
Final grades will be based on the following scale: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), and F (below 60).
Course Schedule
*Course schedule is subject to change and will be updated throughout the quarter.
Topics------------------------------------------------------------------ April 5 / 7 April 12 / 14 April 19 / 21 April 26 / 28 May 3 / 5 May 10 / 12 May 17 / 19 May 24 / 26 May 31 / June 2 June 7
FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATIONS ______________________________________ |
Assignments------------------------------------------------------------------ Read Chapter 6 - Acquiring, Editing, and Creating Vector Datasets Read Chapter 8 & 9 - Single Layer & Dual-Layer Analysis
DUE: Lab 3 (04.26.11) _____________________________________ Read Chapter 7: Raster Analysis
Read Chapter 10: Spatial Models & Geoprocessing DUE: LAB 5 (05.26.11) ______________________________________
'How To' Submit an Assignment
2. Submit a single document in .pdf format
3. Include the question number and question with answer or map
4. Do not submit exported maps as individual files - paste them into your lab document
5. Do not include any of the lab instructions in your doc - only questions and answers, maps, or other outputs
6. The subject line of your email should reflect the assignment name. For example: Lab1
Additional Resources
ArcGIS Desktop Version 10 - Service Pack 1 download
Service Pack 2 download
ESRI Extension Tutorials (3D, Network & Spatial Analyst)
Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism is “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work (” This is unacceptable. Cheating is also unacceptable. If you have any questions about the college’s academic policy, see pages 9-11 of the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, online at http://www.pcc/edu/about/policy/student-rights/student-rights.pdf.
Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities wishing services and/or accommodations are required to register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Please contact the OSD office as soon as possible so that services can be arranged and provided in a timely manner. The OSD phone # is 503-614-7409.