If you are interested and wish to contribute to the mapping response for the Nepal earthquake:
Contact the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team details at http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2015/04/mapping-response-contributions-for-nepal/ Contact Crisismappers, a group that steps up to help out with mapping issues after natural disasters: http://crisismappers.net/ https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/crisismappers Are you interested in gaining some field experience working in headwater streams alongside an experienced biologist? Do you want to contribute to a field project that will improve the long-term conservation prospects for under-appreciated headwater streams that protect clean water and fish habitat?
Participants will learn the basics of fish identification, culvert/fish passage assessment, habitat and fish population survey techniques (using an electrofisher), and about the challenges of protecting headwater streams. The project is a partnership between Molalla River Watch, Native Fish Society, and Kingfisher Ecological Services with the goal of groundtruthing and updating error-prone stream maps used to protect and restore fish habitat. Another goal of the effort is to engage headwater landowners in learning about and safeguarding their streams. Volunteers need to be comfortable navigating slippery stream banks while carrying gear. No prior experience with fish identification or stream surveys is needed. Volunteers will need to provide their own lunch, raingear, and waders (chest waders preferred). A brimmed hat and lighter-hued polarized sunglasses are also helpful to have along but are not required. All other field gear will be provided. All fieldwork will be supervised by Ted Labbe and will be conducted in late April through May 2015. If you are interested in participating, please contact Ted at [email protected] and sign up for survey days here http://doodle.com/sr5dxu4upxbmkfzc. This signup is limited to one volunteer per day since my car is tiny and doesn't have room for two volunteers plus field gear. We'll keep to a comfortable schedule: meeting up at 9a and finishing by 3:30 or 4p, with the rendezvous spot at the Starbucks inside the Molalla Safeway (at 1524 W Main St, Molalla, OR 97038). With prior arrangement, I can pick up/drop off volunteers enroute to Molalla on my way there from north Portland. The work will be physical but I want to keep it from being grueling. And I want it to be fun and informative for volunteers and landowners alike. Please contact Ted Labbe directly with any questions about the work: [email protected] 503-758-9562 Call for Volunteers!!
Are you a student of GIS, cartography, geography or related combination (including GIS certificate)? Want to earn conference discounts and freebies? Good news! Volunteer perks are available on a first-come, first-served basis for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 4-6 at the Vancouver, WA Hilton. There’s also a work party on Sun, May 3 from 3-5 at the Vancouver Hilton. Volunteer at least four (4) hours and choose: 1) FREE, same-day conference sessions (no registration required) 2) A discount off already-low student rates for the entire conference (special registration) Help make GIS in Action 2015 an awesome event! Contact the Student Volunteer Coordinator Debbie Blackmore for details, [email protected]. And thanks! Reminders Map/Poster Contest Details about the competition and how to enter are on the Poster Contest tab on the GIS in Action website.The deadline to enter is April 29th. More information Check http://gisinaction.org/ for details. Also, follow OrURISA on Twitter; and by OrURISA’s Young Professionals on Twitter and LinkedIn. The hashtag for this year’s conference is #GISinAction. GIS Technician
Apex Systems Job Description Apex Systems is looking for entry-mid level GIS candidates for our client who is a world leader in the IT industry. We have an immediate need for multiple openings and are looking to hire within the month. This is a great opportunity to get your foot in the door with a well known company and gain GIS experience. Key Qualifications • Background and related coursework in Geography or GIS • Database experience and knowledge of scripting experience • Experience working with large public/commercial datasets • Internet research skills and experience Description Responsible for content analysis, validation, cleansing, collection and reporting. Analyze and validate data content and assemble new content from various sources, including databases, files/spreadsheets, and websites. Respond to data inquiries from various groups within an organization. Create and publish regularly scheduled and/or ad hoc reports as needed. Additional Qualifications • Foreign language fluency/local knowledge of a specific region or country • Good report writing and communication skills Education BS/BA or MS/MA in Geography, GIS, or Engineering OR 6mo’s-2yrs experience using GIS software for spatial analysis OR GIS Certificate program For application information: http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/jobs/jobdetails.aspx?showNewJDP=yes&job_did=JHQ1KD66XJTNPPL6MM4 Click here to view this message on the web.
2015 Undergraduate Geospatial Technology Skills Competition The GeoTech Center and URISA are pleased to announce the 2015 Undergraduate Geospatial Technology Skills Competition, created to showcase the geospatial technology skills of U.S. undergraduate students. The competition website has been updated to include all competition rules, judging criteria, and the official entry form. Projects will be judged on categories including project design, organization, analysis, and overall presentation quality. An official rubric has been made available. All materials must be submitted no later than midnight Eastern Time on Friday, June 12, 2015. The initial round of the competition will be judged by a panel of experienced geospatial specialists, and the combined scores from all judges will determine the top five (5) student finalists. These finalists will receive an all-expense-paid* trip to the GIS-Pro & NWGIS 2015 international conference in Spokane, WA on October 18-22, 2015, where they will be required to present their project during the final round of the competition (judges will determine their final place ranking at this time). To enter the competition, students must submit the following along with their entry form:
*Paid expenses include airfare, vehicle mileage, hotel, meals (set per-diem rate), travel to/from hotel and airport, and other travel-related items approved in advance by the GeoTech Center Director. Students must follow the Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC) travel regulations and use JCTC’s official travel agent. Advanced approval of travel, along with all required travel forms, must be received 30 days prior to the event. Complimentary conference registration will be provided by URISA. ![]() Work Description Data Coordinator collects, organizes, analyzes and shares data to support Verde’s social enterprise and Outreach-Advocacy activities. Outreach-Advocacy activities include Living Cully, where the Data Coordinator leads partner organizations to ensure consistent data management on Living Cully’s capital improvement projects and programmatic activities. Data Coordinator provides information on Verde to diverse audiences -- community members, partners, funders and policy makers -- through presentations and other communication activities. For full job description: http://www.verdenw.org/images/stories/documents/datacoordinatorpositionannouncement.pdf Monday, April 15, 2015 from 6–8:30pm
Portland State University Cramer Hall - 4th floor Website http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/PDX-OSGEO Description Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo. SpiderOSM is an open source python package for matching segments in one path network, e.g., streets and trails, to corresponding segments in another, based on geography and network connectivity. This allows joining together attribute data from separate sources. Importantly authoritative jurisdictional data can be correlated with the rich, crowd-sourced, user editable and extensible, Open Street Maps data. Multifactor match scoring, allows data to be joined only for high confidence matches. The initial version of the matcher was coded in early 2014 specifically to combine Open Street Map data with Portland Oregon area jurisdictional data (RLIS) to facilitate pedestrian infrastructure analysis and planning. Since then the code has been refactored into a generally useful python package that installs, via pip, and works on all three major platforms: Mac OSX, Linux and Windows. The code is stable and mature, with version 1.0 is just around the corner. The developer, Michael Arnold, is now focusing on developing applications, and finding users and collaborators. On going projects where help would be very welcome include:
Another opportunity, not yet begun: looking for someone interested in developing an ESRI Plug-in for spiderOSM. ![]() Terra GIS is offering "Practical QGIS" - a 2 day class/hands on workshop in Seattle on Thursday May 28th and Friday May 29th, 2015 The class will focus on learning QGIS doing practical exercises in a workshop style setting. ArcGIS users will learn how to easily transition to QGIS (or to using QGIS in addition to their existing GIS software/ toolset). Participants can choose to participate one of the days or both days. More information at http://www.terragis.net/gis-classes/practical-qgis/ ![]() Position Summary: The Enterprise GIS Support Specialist applies an interdisciplinary approach to supporting the Conservation & Business Planning unit in implementing appropriate GIS solutions to support priority projects across the network for the National Audubon Society. S/he is an expert in creating and managing GIS web services, desktop GIS, multi-user spatial data management, and SDE creation and management. The Specialist will use basic programming skills in java script, flex, and python to support custom applications and COTS for geographic information systems. This opportunity will be based in the US, and remote environments will be considered if not near an Audubon office. For full job description and application details: https://careersaudubon.icims.com/jobs/2374/enterprise-gis-support-specialist/job?mobile=false&width=900&height=500&bga=true&needsRedirect=false&jan1offset=-480&jun1offset=-420 |
June 2024