Are you interested in gaining some field experience working in headwater streams alongside an experienced biologist? Do you want to contribute to a field project that will improve the long-term conservation prospects for under-appreciated headwater streams that protect clean water and fish habitat?
Participants will learn the basics of fish identification, culvert/fish passage assessment, habitat and fish population survey techniques (using an electrofisher), and about the challenges of protecting headwater streams. The project is a partnership between Molalla River Watch, Native Fish Society, and Kingfisher Ecological Services with the goal of groundtruthing and updating error-prone stream maps used to protect and restore fish habitat. Another goal of the effort is to engage headwater landowners in learning about and safeguarding their streams. Volunteers need to be comfortable navigating slippery stream banks while carrying gear. No prior experience with fish identification or stream surveys is needed. Volunteers will need to provide their own lunch, raingear, and waders (chest waders preferred). A brimmed hat and lighter-hued polarized sunglasses are also helpful to have along but are not required. All other field gear will be provided. All fieldwork will be supervised by Ted Labbe and will be conducted in late April through May 2015. If you are interested in participating, please contact Ted at [email protected] and sign up for survey days here This signup is limited to one volunteer per day since my car is tiny and doesn't have room for two volunteers plus field gear. We'll keep to a comfortable schedule: meeting up at 9a and finishing by 3:30 or 4p, with the rendezvous spot at the Starbucks inside the Molalla Safeway (at 1524 W Main St, Molalla, OR 97038). With prior arrangement, I can pick up/drop off volunteers enroute to Molalla on my way there from north Portland. The work will be physical but I want to keep it from being grueling. And I want it to be fun and informative for volunteers and landowners alike. Please contact Ted Labbe directly with any questions about the work: [email protected] 503-758-9562 Comments are closed.
June 2024